Sunday, 19 October 2014

Hey, Look, School! And NaNoWriMo is on the Horizon!

I'm sorry I haven't written anything, I've still been distracted and stressing about school. I'm behind, can you imagine? Because I can!! I still have 2 modules to finish from last term, and 2 of the 5 this term have arrived. The last few should be arriving today or tomorrow and I'm actually going to try and stick to the suggested study about a week.
This certificate, to me, feel silly to me. With modules like, "How to Operate a Personal Computer" and "Use, Communicate and Search Securely on the Internet" I feel like I just want to skip it all. There was a thing on groups and some 'basic' math, which was interesting. I got through all of the math stuff in about 2 days, about 2 or so hours each day. There is an introduction type module, about women in the workforce, I think it is, the beginning of it just felt.. WHY?! It came across as being that counselor that says, "You are a special and unique snowflake, You can do anything, because you are different and amazing and special!" And I just hate people/things like that.

I was bored yesterday and I
felt like making a cover,
since I noticed you could add
one on the NaNo site so...
Also on a different note, I'm going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year, I've don't a tiny amount of planning. To the point of, I know the basic concept of what I am doing. I'm going to do a Doctor who / Minecraft fan fiction. I feel it's easy enough, I have a pre-made world, pre-made, but flexible, character, and the world is amazing open so anything can happen. I'm only really aiming for 20k to 25k words this year, because it is my first year of actually writing. But I'll see how I juggle writing 500 to 1000 words day with school work. The novel link thingy to read about it: HERE!!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

REVIEW : Beyond Gravity | Game

Recently, I was fortunate enough to have same some spending money, which never happens. One of the first things I did was to look on Steam for any games that were on special that might interest me. Beyond Gravity was one of those games on special, selling for $0.99 USD and was a few hours away from going back to it's normal price of $1.99 USD, so I instantly bought it because it reminded me of a free game on that I did enjoy. So I didn't mind paying a little bit for it.

Beyond Gravity is a VERY simple, one button, take no time at all, causal game that belongs on mobile phone and tablets, and not really on a computer. I've currently played a bit over 2.5 hours so far and unlocked 34 of the 40 available achievements. I do plan on unlocking all of them, and I expect that it won't take much longer.
But as I said, this really is, what I like to think, as a very causal game.

It looks nice, the art style is cute and fun, the music sounds fitting and is relaxing. The game is simple, and entertaining for a good 5 to 10 minutes. I would recommend this game, but only in small bursts, mainly because it is repetitive. You're click to jump from planet to planet, collecting cogs and screws, which you can trade in for things, including a triple jump, a faster jump, and being able to pull in cogs and screws in from further away.
My review on the Steam site about the game.

Beyond Gravity is available to buy in the links below: