Sunday, 6 December 2015

Why watch people play video games on the internet?

I've been wanting to write this since the Jimmy Kimmel thing happened earlier this year. Please remember that this post is purely my opinion and my thinking, if you think something I have said is wrong, or you disagree, please post your thoughts in the comment section below!

But it's a good question, why do some many people watch other play video games online? Why do millions of people subscribe to Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Chuggaaconroy and Yogscast?
Well, I'm going say there would be a few different reasons to watch. Let me quickly list them, and briefly explain.

  • Entertainment!

Yes. This is a simple one, you could watch some one play a video game, just for entertainment. Like watching one person interview another, for entertainment, because you like the host. Or even just watching movies, or just TV shows, it's for entertainment, some times you don't know what you like to watch until you say, "Fuck it!" and watch it. Simple.

  • Reviews!

I feel a lot of us out there like to look at review and see other people's opinions before er decide to go out and buy a new product, like the new iPhone or a curved TV. We want to know that it will work, it's easy to set up, and we really want to know if there is a high chance we would like the product once we bought it. This also applies to videos games. Some, many, video games these days retail for $60+ each. Which may be a lot of money when you're young or you're just limited of spending money for the week. Also, if you only aford one game that week, you want to know you're making the right choice, even when there are 3 or 4 triple A titles coming out at once in a similar time frame. So you decide to hold onto your money for a little extra time, you go on YouTube and you find that someone has uploaded the first hour of the game. But not only one person, but many, You can watch these videos, see what the game truly is like, and you also get opinions from people, right as they are playing. Easy.

  • Help!

Third reason is help. "But, what do you mean by help? That doesn't make sense!" I hear you ask, well, it's easy, Let's say you're playing the new Pokemon game, and you're stuck. You don't know where you're meant to go or what you're meant to do. Or you're stuck in a gym and you don't know how to get to the gym leader (still in Pokemon here). Well, again, you can easily just go onto YouTube and search something like, "Pokemon Snowbelle City Gym" or "Pokemon Omega Ruby help" and you'll find videos of people playing the game you are, and you can see how they got through your situation.
Also, if you're having a bad time with a game because you arn't sure what you're meant to be doing and you want to give up on it, (trust me I've been there), you can go online, again, find your game get get help. There may be a chance you'll run into a video of someone having the same problem as you, but then they get though it. Trust me, if you see that, you instantly feel a bit better for having trouble, because someone else did as well. But they they got though it, and you think, "If they did it, them I can too!" Then you go back to your game, give it another go, and you're thought that though part. It does really feel nice!

But there are just some reasons on why watching people play video games on the internet can both be helpful, but also fun!


  • I'll also quickly add here, but there are times when you really want a video game, Fallout 4, but you can't afford it. The only real way to then experience it would be a place like YouTube.
  • Also, there is a marketing / advertisement aspect to it as well. If you can get a big name like Pewdiepie to play your game, any of his subscriber may go out it buy it for them selves. 

Monday, 16 November 2015

The Poor Stay Poor

Gosh darn, life has been a pain recently. I've had to declare financial hardship with my school because I couldn't pay my fees, even though I could, and now I'm not allowed to attend class until my fees have been paid off. I'm not allowed my course results either. It won't be paid off until a few days before Christmas but that's after the year has finished so I won't be sure if I actually finished all my assignments to a passing grade until it's too late, which really is a pain in the ass. I know I have to finish this course in term 1 next year, but still, I don't want this happening again.

I also need a job, but with where I am, in a small mid-country town, there really isn't much work for me to try and get. It's either be qualified or work in a supermarket or possibly Target. The problem with that option is that I'd have to compete with more qualified people, and high school students, two groups of people employers would take over me; because A) They are qualified to work in retail, or B) They are teens so the company don't have to pay them as much as me. Wow, a who $1-$4 per hour difference. I could apply to any of the small business around but with that, they already have the staff they need and I doubt they'd be firing any employees soon. Not to mention, I like to think that about half the small business here close after a couple years because they aren't making enough income to pay rent AND make a profit. Meaning they have to quit whilst they are ahead.

This is all a pain in the ass. I can't move back to Adelaide because I don't have the money to. I also can't study in Adelaide because I don't have the money to. I can't stay here because there is nothing for me to study after this and there is next to no job opportunities for me. All I can really think of is seeing if I can do some work experience at maybe the library and a couple of small businesses around the place for a week or so each.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

It's been a while

Oops, silly me~!

I'm very sorry that I haven't been here to write, it's been at the back of my mind. However I have been wanting to come over and say hello. But I didn't expect that to take almost a month.

Currently, I'm on school brake until around the 13 October, then it's back to school for me. Annoyingly, I haven't done any school work during my time off but again, at the back of my mind with my blog. I've wanted to but I just haven't, hopefully I will make some progress soon.
I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately, made a good amount of progress in that, I've also applied for a couple of jobs but I know that no one is ever hiring here so it's hard to make some extra money. (There is a Paypal button to the top right if you'd like to donate a bit to help me pay for school, that'd would help me so much!)

The YouTube thing is going really slowly, which is to be expected with a new channel. I've been uploading every Friday since I started, but right now, I'm not sure on how long I can keep it up. I may be able to keep that up until the end of October but I'm really not sure on what to do after that.
I upload un-boxing videos every Friday at 4:00PM AEST, and for the past week, I've also been uploading a video daily for Super Smash Brother for the 3DS.
If you want to visit my Youtube channel, it's called SmiliePlays and you can you visit it if you CLICK HERE.

Below, I will put a few of my videos so you don't have to venture too far to see some.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Unbox and Play: Youtube

So I decided to make a new Youtube channel because I've been kind of wanting a let's play channel for a while, but I'm also kind of interested in unboxings. So this new channel is dedicated to those two things. Because my finances are limited, uploading is going to be speratic for a good while. Meaning there will be no upload schedule, and videos may only slowly be added. Uploading will be like this for possibly 6 to 12 months, but I really am hoping on uploading things to it slowly.

It's going to a while before I upload gaming videos, I'll need to buy video editing software and an actual screen recorder. But until then, I will upload every now and again, different things of possibly unboxings and small collections I have.

Below is my first video on the new channel, showing off my small but nice Nintendo DS and 3DS games. I hope you enjoy it. If you want to visit the channel and subscribe, click HERE. It's called SmiliePlays.

If you would like to help me get a proper PC screen recorder,
or video editing software, please click on the paypal button
on the upper right. Thanks!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Interesting happening with a fight for the title of Australian Prime Minister

So~! From what I hear, Tony Abbott my not the Prime Minister of Australia anymore. If that is really true, thank the heavens for the change. Tony Abbott is a sexist, racist biggot and he dose not deserve the title of PM. He should not have been in charge in the first place and I welcome this change, I really do hope that this new guy Malcolm Turnbull can start to turn things around. I don't think he'll be able to accomplish much but if he can start to undo some of Abbott's bullshit, he will automatically be a better PM.

Monday, 31 August 2015

I could use your help with school...

If you come to my blog every so often, you may have noticed a new button on the top right, under my banner. It goes to my BegsList fundraiser page. Putting it simply, I need about $500 (AUD) to pay my school fees. The goal is set to $360 because I'm assuming that all donations are in American (USD). The money that I need, when converted is about $358 USD, hence why I've set it where I have.

If you want to know more about what exactly is going on, I have written why I'm asking for this money in more detail on the fundraiser site. This ends on the 15th September, because that's when I need to pay by, if I don't pay by then, or if I can't get an extension, I'm going to have to drop out. I would really appreciate it if you could donate even just $5, any money that I can get would help so much. I can possibly pay up to $150 (AUD) if I stretch out my budget so much more. But again, I'd still need about $350 AUD to pay.

You can either click HERE or on the button, both will get you there. Thank you so much!

Friday, 28 August 2015

Shower Thoughts: 10:13 pm - 28/08/2015

Just out of the shower. I clicked on a video on YouTube to watch: By The Fire with Jay – Haunted UtahDiner uploaded by LadyLocksLife and I started to watch it, got about 44seconds in and I decided it was probably best for me to have a shower first. I left the video page open so the video could load a bit.

I started thinking in the shower 2 things. 1: One of the things that LadyLocksLife uploads and I enjoy is when her subscribers post paranormal experiences and she picks a few and reads them aloud in a video. I like those videos. I started to think about paranormal experience and what I think about them. To me, if someone thinks they’ve had a paranormal experience, then sure, I believe them. However, to me, my brain likes science. I think there is always a logical explanation to everything.  If the lights flicker, it’s because of a slight electricity thing, power goes out at a curtain point, pure coincidence. Hit a cold spot, again, I think there has to be a logical explanation to it. I’m not going to argue with someone about their paranormal experience, there is not point, but if I’m there and something happens, there is a logical explanation that isn’t a ghost, that’s the last thing on my list. I do like these stories, and shows like Ghost Whisper and movies about Ouija boards and ghost boxes and all, but to me they aren’t real.

Second, why do we always think of things we want to share or important things in the shower? Do I wish I could record a video or a voice memo or write this down IN the shower whilst I’m having the thought? Yes, yes I do want that, but I can’t. It’s kind of annoying and the paragraph above would have been better but I had to wait until I had finished and got to my laptop to type this out. I’m naked for Christ sake, come on. I want my thoughts out in the shower, whilst I’m having them so they are still fresh, but no… Time to get dressed.

Friday, 21 August 2015

GAME REVIEW - Drive Any Track

Drive Any Track is a game on Steam that I happen to come across yesterday and haven't been able to stop playing. I bought it on sale for $5.99UDS [$14.99USD original], I'm very glad that I bought it for the price I did. It overall is a great game and I love it.

It's currently still in Early Access but from what I've seen and played, again, I'm loving it so much. It looks beautiful and plays great. It's easy to pick up and really anyone can play.

I can only assume that most players may be playing with a controller, which I am. If you decide to as well, you really only need the control stick to drive, A to select and use a boost, and X to drift. It took me a while to figure out that pressing X will let you drift, I knew you could be again, it took me a bit to figure that out.

I've included some screen shots of a couple of the tracks that I've done on the right and as you can see, the game does look super amazing. You have a choice of cars and the tracks that you can race in, just wow.
But the main point of the game, if you want to say it like that, is to go into your own, personal music library and your music tracks, become your race tracks!

I've been the first person to 'create' race tracks, because I've been the first player to race with a certain song, for example, I picked the song Werewolves by Short Stack [WATCH IT HERE] and I was the first player to select and race that song, so I was marked the 'creator' of the track and was rewarded 100 coins for creating a new track.

You may wonder, "But MySmilie, how mayny race tracks in the game are there?" Well kind reader, how many songs on file are there that we can access? That's how many race tracks there are!

Is there anything I would change or add. Yeah, of course! I wouldn't mind the ramps  being a bit more different from the barriers, just to make it easier to tell they are ramps. That is the only thing I would change, but I would like it if there were stats with the different vehicles, to make them more different from each other, other then just they way they look. I wouldn't mind if different cars were different weights (light, medium or heavy), different handling and drifting stats and maybe acceleration? That could just be me but I think that would be an interesting option, again, just to make the cars more different from each other. I also think the $15 price tag is a bit high, I did buy it on special, yes, but do think the creaters should consider lowering the price a bit, possibly to $9.99. But no lower then that, unless it's on special! :P

But again, overall, the game in amazing and I'm loving it so far. I can't wait to see what else they add and to see what else they do with it. I highly do recommend buying it when you get the chance.
I'll be uploading a few tracks I've recorded myself racing, onto YouTube over the next couple of days so if you want to watch that, head on over to my YouTube Channel!

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Blog Every Day in August : 8 August 2015

So, turns out my life is as boring as I thought it was. Yay for me. Sorry about doing this every day, I wanted to try and do it every day apart from Tuesdays, mainly because after class my brain is just mush and I can't do anything.

Today, I've picked up dog shit, cleaned my shoes, played Age Of Empires II and watched Gilmore Girls on Netflix. It's been a really slow day today. I've given my sister about 8 pokemon cards, because she is trying to have a card for every pokemon, and I had double so, that's done happily.

Umm.. Yesterday I bought Sper Mario Bros 3 and played a little bit of it.

I'm really sorry, I haven't been paying attention over the last few days. I'll try and pay attention tomorrow!

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Blog Every Day in August : 5 August 2015

I'll start by saying I had class yesterday, when I finished, my brain was moosh, nothing really happened apart from buying a box of Mountain Dew for half price. Good thing I did as well since it's not on special anymore.
* * *
Today is the 5th and I have no recollection on what has happened. I woke up around 10 to 10:30 in the morning, had water, played Animal Crossing: New Leaf and I've been on Youtube.
Yesterday I paid a bit off my Target Christmas layby, I'm buying a Nintendo WiiU and a couple games. I'm ignoring the fact that the new Nintendo console is coming out next year, I'm hoping IF it does, WiiU games will be sold cheaply and quickly at that time of the new console so I will hopefully get some cheap games. I also have ZombiU sitting on the shelf (I hear Zombi is being released on other platforms soon!) but on layby I have Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Mario Kart 8 and Mario Party 10, Splatoon is coming pre-installed on the console. I'm also getting a Rabbids game but when I get the console, I'm selling the bonus game (The bundle with the game was $20 cheaper then JUST the console).
Also at Target, I put a couple more things on layby, a windows tablet, a wireless keyboard and 2 amiibo, Bowser Jr, because I need 2, and Captain Olimer, because why not.

I got 2 new Jordana eyeliners, a QuickLiner Eyes in 01 Black and EasyLiner for Eyes in Purple Fusion, which is a smoky, slightly metallic, purple. Both are retractile pencils and I kind of can't wait to use them!

This evening I bought a new on Steam Oozi: Earth Adventure. I recorded myself playing the first 2 levels and I quickly figured out that I can no longer play children's platforms; or I'm just not use to playing them on PC. Either way, the first 2 levels have been recorded, I'm about to edit them and upload them, queuing the second one to be uploaded in a couple days.


Oozi: Earth Adventure
As of writing this blog post, the game is on sale for $1.24USD, regular price is $4.99USD. It's a platformer, easy and fun. I bought it on Steam and the link will take you to the Steam site if you would like to look into the game.

YouTube - MySmilie
This is my Youtube channel. I will be uploading the intro and first two levels up soon, so if you'd like to have a look and possible subscribe, feel free too!

Watching the footage back, turns out it didn't record my game so I guess I can't edit and upload my game footage. :(

Monday, 3 August 2015

Blog Every Day in August | 3 August 2015

So today I woke up about 9:50am, I turned on my phone's Wifi and checked my email. I go out of bed, soon enough and went out to the living room. I played Animal Crossing: New Leaf for a bit and watched The Shining. I also helped my sister organize her Pokemon cards.

My sister and I both collect pokemon cards. She organizes them into number order of the pokedex and sets energy and trainers aside. I collect differently. I pick a set, right now it's X&Y: Furious Fists, and I collect the set, booster pack by booster pack, organize them into card number until I have the whole set. I'm about half way at least by now.
I've also decided today that I'm going to also, collect the X&Y Base Set. I started to sort out the few that I have into my folder and I also added numbers into the spaces that need cards. As you may have noticed to the right of this paragraph.

But sorting these cards out, both hers and mine took enough time but it was fun whilst it lasted. I have 3 more booster packs on the way, 2 Furious Fists and 1 Base Set. I'm hoping they arrive by the end of the week. Hopefully. I think my most expensive card right now is Dragonite EX from Furious Fists.

When I had finished, I got on my laptop and went on YouTube like I always do in the morning. When I finished, over to Netflix to continue to watch Gilmore Girls.

I haven't done much apart from that today, so I guess a short(?) post from me today. Tomorrow, I have class and it's also payday. I'm hoping my money will come in before I have to head to class, so I can buy myself lunch from the store, which will probably be a muffin again, maybe some orange juice as well.

Saturday, 1 August 2015

VEDA? Why not BEDA? Day 2

So, I went on YouTube today, as I do in the late morning, and I see 2 people participating in VEDA: Vlog Every Day in August. On of these people was Dodie, on her second channel, DoddleVloggle. She announced she would be participating so she'd have a project to do so she wouldn't go insane.

I was thinking, I should do it too. My problem is that my life is boring as hell and I don't do anything. Also, I think I'm terrible on camera. I did try and start recording however, my first attempt did not go well. The camera I wanted to use, decided it no longer wanted to record video, it'll take pictures happily but it won't video. Good thing it was intended to take photos! So, I also took my phone outside with me to start and it felt weird.. Mainly because I didn't know what to take about.

I came back inside, took out my camera which was intended to record video, and I started recording. Then again, I didn't know what to talk about so... That was fun. Quickly after turning off my camera, I thought, why not write a blog instead?! So I think that's what I'm going to be doing.

So this will be me doing BEDA: Blog Every Day in August. Welcome~! I may write a better post later today as my entry, however I think this is good enough.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Get to know me~! | TAG VIDEO

Questions were gotten from here if you would also like to do this.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

United States of America Marrige Equality

This week on the internet, the United States of America has finally made it legal in all states to allow same-sex marriage. Which is great and I am super super happy for you over there! Really, I am! What else I am hearing is that Australia needs to catch up and do the same thing, and I wholly agree 300%, the only thing stopping us is one thing. One man. Tony Abbott.

He is highly against same-sex marriage, because his views of everything, including women, lie back in the 1950's. He is a sexist, homophobic bastard who needs to take his head out of his ass and get things together, because he has ruined this country and it's name.

We will not see marriage equality here in Australia for another year or two, when he is voted out. Once that happens and someone with a brain in voted in, THEN we as a nation can openly, and easily, try to convince the new PM to make this thing legal. But until then, until Tony Abbott is voted out, we will have to wait for the ability to marry anyone we please, with no problems.

* - - - - - *

News articles about Abbott and his view down below:

Thursday, 11 June 2015

My view: Wacom Intuos Small Graphic Tablet (with pen+eraser)

My first sketch
On the 28th May, 2015, I ordered my very first graphics tablet. It arrived in the mail the next week and I was happy to get it so I could get it set up, ready to use.

Since I haven't used a graphics tablet before, this was a weird thing for me to get use to, but it took me no longer then a day or two. Obviously, when it was set up, I opened up Photoshop and started drawing, again, it was weird and odd at first. I decided quickly, that the easiest way for me to get use to the tablet, would be to simply, use it as a mouse or an expensive trackpad with a pen. I do think that did help.
Now, going into this, I wasn't the best drawer, was alright, was not the best; but I do think it will encourage me a bit to draw a little more. I have been getting use to it. I've been taking photos of things, and tracing them in Photoshop, like for example, my sister's dog and my King Dedede amiibo. It's been a nice experience and I really am enjoying using this new thing.

I picked a Waccom tablet because I feel they are a good, reliable maker of graphics tablets, and I've had my eye on them for about two years, which is how long I've wanted a graphic tablet for. But now I've got one, it looks great and I'm loving it. I know this is a basic tablet but I know I don't need anything fancy since this is my first.
I would suggest, that if you were thinking about getting a graphics tablet, please look at what Waccom has to offer~!

My King Dedede tracing

Thursday, 28 May 2015

10/10 Best Blogger!

I'm A Slacker!

I'm a terrible person. And by that, I mean I've been too lazy to write so~ HELLO AGAIN! I know I start every blog like that and I'm sorry.
Now, I am also a terrible reader. By that I mean, I said I'll aim to read one month, and for the first 2 months, I did well. I read 2 books from the Anita Blake series. But once it hit March, I just slowly stopped then. Which is a real shame.
In April and May, mostly May, I've done a little bit of stuff. I guess. I bought a few books, a couple new Nintendo Amiibo, 2 are not here yet, and I've had a birthday. The cake was not a lie, but it was late.


Closer to the beginning of the month, Mum sighed up to Costco since there is now a warehouse in Adelaide, SA. I paid for half the membership, kinda meaning I get the 'free' second house holder card or whatever it is. But it is pretty amazing in there. We've been there twice now and we've both bought stuff. My purchases however, have been on book box sets, and that's all. The first time we went, I bough the George R.R. Martin box set of A Song of Ice and Fire. I bought it for about $46.50 and doing a bit of research, it retails, new, for about $70 here in Australia. Meaning I saved a bit over $20, which to me is pretty great. The second time we went, which was a few days ago, I bought the complete Harry Potter box set by J.K. Rowling. I bought that for $53 from Costco, from what I can find online, this set sells for about $90 new. That's almost a $40 saving!

Other Stuff!

Now, other things I've bought recently that I have been enjoying include the first 3 editions of the One Piece manga, and a King DeDeDe Nintendo Amibo. I have 2 more Amiibo on the way, a JigglyPuff for my sister, and the Silver Mario for me. Guess what I'm keeping in the packaging? I do have more amiibo on pre-order but I won't get them for another few months.
Recently, I've also purchased a Wacom Intuos Graphics Tablet, so I hope to enjoy that when it comes.

What I'm hoping to write about in the future:

  • Opening / Review of the Wacom Intuos Small Graphics Tablet
  • Opinion about
  • What I'm currently enjoying reading and watching

Friday, 3 April 2015

REVIEW: NEW Nintendo 3DS

On Tuesday, 31st March 2014, I finally got the chance to buy the NEW Nintendo 3DS console from Target, in the colour white. I was excited to get it home, it is set up, transfer over my stuff, and start to properly play with the console.
I plugged it in to charge up for a bit, then I turned it on a got it set up. Putting in the time, date, country and language. Connecting to the internet, connecting to my Nintendo Network ID and updating the system. Then came the part of transfer. Transferring all of my data from my original, standard, Nintendo 3DS to my new one. Doing this was simple enough, I had run into a few simple things along the way, like updating my system and connecting to my Nintendo Network ID. But when it came down to it, I had 2 choices of transferring and I choose the long way. I’m sorry that I don’t remember what they called it, but the two handheld consoles connected to each other and one started to move data over to the other. This process took somewhere between 20 to 50 minutes to complete but everything successfully moved over, as well as my friend code.
Using the NEW Nintendo 3DS, is just amazing. The console itself both looks and feels amazing. The basic white cover plate is a perfect matte plastic, making it hard to leave figure prints, and also feels nice to the touch. The card slot and stylus holder have been moved to the front of the console to make room for 2 new inner shoulder buttons, ZL and ZR.
The main screen is bigger, and the display looks beautiful. The 3D effect has been improved dramatically, making easier to see and use during game play, because of this, I have been using during game play a LOT more then before. The front facing camera has an added effect, being able to track your face, adjusting the 3D to make sure it works properly when used.
The coloured control buttons, the the right of the bottom screen, adds some flare to the console and is a good, but unnecessary addition, but still welcome. The new C stick above those buttons is an interesting addition as well. I haven't run into any games that may make use of this feature yet, but I’m sure it does come in handy when needed. The new C stick also, I expected to be different, I hadn't seen a physical console until I opened the box. It feels to be a solid rubber column that shouldn't move as easily as it does, but I look forward to using it.
Over all, I have been enjoying the NEW 3DS and I do like the improvements that have been applied the this new console. I’m currently still trying to get use to the styles living in the front of the console now, instead of behind, but that honestly isn't an issue. At this moment in time, I can not say too much bad about the NEW 3DS, only good. I do recommend buying one when you have the chance too!

Below is a 4 minute video that I uploaded to YouTube taking about the NEW 3DS!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Review Time~! Australis Cosmetics

Original Post (with pictures)
So recently, I made a small order with Australia because they are an Australian company, so I knew it’d arrive fairly quickly, I wanted to try concealer for the first time, and UniDays conveniently had a discount code for them.
Before I get a bit into it, I just want to say that I am no really a make up person, meaning I am NO WAY a professional and this is just my personal opinion/experience.
As I mentioned, I wanted to try concealer and I’ve been meaning to for a long time now. I bought the Go Camo, full on coverage concealer in the shade of: light. Now, again, I’ve never used concealer before, and I know I will not be buying this one again. This concealer feels sticky and is hard to blend out. I doesn’t really do any coverage, and with it being ‘full coverage’ I call bullshit. It’s rather light in colour and amazing, possibly a shade too light for me. Which is surprising. I’ve tried this underneath foundation, but there was basically no difference.
I’m not 100% sure of what to call this, but the next thing is a brow and lash extender… liquid. It’s a clear mascara that is meant to make you lashes look longer, but you can also use it on your brows, I would assume possibly as a setting/sculpting thing for your brows(?). But using this on my lashes, they did look longer, and it did go on fairly well. I’ve had cheap mascara before that had made my lashes obviously clumpy, but this doesn’t do that. I don’t like/don’t want to use mascara, but I think I’ll be quiet happy with this and will be buying this again. As for using this on my brows, I rather not. Personally, I just fill them in with eyeshadow and leave it at that.
Lip Liner:
The third and fine thing I bought was a lip liner pencil. It’s in the shade of Tickled Pink and I think I may like it. I’ve never had lip liner before, but it’s something else I’ve been meaning to get. I think the pencil is a little on the dry side, but since this is my first lip liner, this could be normal. I’m not sure. I this I got another one however, a different colour. This one, Tickled Pink is basically my natural lip colour. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, I’d just prefer something a bit different. Over all, I don’t mind this pencil, however, I think I would like to try a couple different brands before I decide if I want to buy from Australis again.
Overall Experience:
I think I did alright, but I feel it could have been better. However I am not regretting is experience, apart from the concealer. The shipping price for me was $10AUD and got here in a week (5 business days). When I got it, I got it in a box that was WAY too big for these 3 little things, I think they may need to rethink some of their packaging. Just saying a 16cm x 16cm x 12cm box is defiantly TOO big for something you could have possibly fit into a dvd postage box.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Hey Look! A Wig!

So for a little while now, I've been wanting to either buy a wig, or hair extensions. But mainly, I wanted a wig. I look on a hell of a lot of a suitable wig that wasn't too expensive but was cheap enough for me to buy. I mainly didn't want to be spending $20AUD on a wig, so, because of my budget, I was going to buy a synthetic wig. Which I was perfectly fine with. The only concern I had was what would I do if it was too shiny, if it was too fake. But happily I got a wig that wasn't too shiny, it seemed pretty alright. The only thing wrong with it was the length. It was about 80cm long. With be being about 153cm tall, and me being use to hair a bit past my shoulders, that was defiantly too long for me. I ended up buying an orange with, from Australia, so it wouldn't take 2 months to arrive, but it also came with a free hair net/cap.
I ended up cutting the fringe, then cutting the wig, without a wig stand. That was a little bit of a pain because it's uneven and I'm sure it's pretty choppy. But I can deal with it.
Over all, this was a good experience and I am planning in the future to possibly buy from these guys again.

Above are 3 photos of me wearing the wig. The first, I haven't cut it yet, the second one, I've just cut the fringe, and the third, I cut the rest of the hair as well. Sorry for the slightly wild look there.

 Buy the wig HERE.
80cm, curly wig, orange/auburn, $14.99AUD, free shipping

Sunday, 8 February 2015

1 Book A Month; Book 1

Anita Black Vampire Hunter Series 3: Circus of The Damned
By Laurell K. Hamilton

ISBN: 978-0-7553-5531-0
Publisher: headline
Cover Artwork: Sharon Chai, Stylorouge

SIDE NOTE: So, there is only so much I remember from this book, honestly, but that isn't a bad thing. The book before that I read this was the second book of the series and the current book I'm ready is the 4th book. Sorry if I mention things from.. not this book. Also, I am bad at remembering things, I just know they happened.

So each book currently, seems to be introducing a new place of interest. Book one, Guilty Pleasures, a strip club, The Laughing Corpse, a comedy club, now the Circus of The Damned, a circus of course. In this third book, a new couple of Master Vamps are introduced along side our favorite, Jean-Claude. We meet Yasmeen, and her human slave, Marguerite, Alejandro, who is fighting for ownership over Anita and Mr. Oliver, who may be older then time itself. We also meet an interesting man by the name of Richard Zeeman who Anita seems to have quiet an interest in.

(Sorry, I am instantly to lazy to finish this, procrastination much?!)

Saturday, 24 January 2015

{ Bloggity Blog Blog, Possibility to Complain }

I'm half in the mood to write so..

New Year's Resolutions Are Bullshit!

Firstly, that's just my opinion.Secondly, it really is true.

As you can guess, I am not the biggest fan of New Year's Resolutions. Along with other things, making these promises to yourself, when you know you're going to fail is just.. why bother?! You know there is a high chance of failing, but you still have it in your head that this year is different. This year, you're going to make a chart, make a routine, write down your list of things you're going to do by the end of the year and boom, after about 3 months max. you're back on the couch, eating a jar of Nutella with your fingers little a toddler.

I see these resolutions / tasks like I see Valentine's Day. It's useless and you can do it, and start, any and every other day of the year. Why be romantic to your partner on 17th February when you literally have 365 days to buy them flowers, chocolates and take them out to a nice dinner. Why does it have to be that one day that you can only do that? Same with resolutions that you make on 1st January. Why January 1st? Is it because it's easy to say that you started on Jan. 1? Probably yes. But still.

If you are still wondering if I have things I want to do before the end of the year, no, I don't. I do have a list of things I wouldn't mind doing, but I'm not making it my year's quest do lost 20kg and read 30 books and travel to Iceland.

Make a list of challenges that you think you can possibly accomplish, not anything crazy, but more simple things that you can do on a more daily basis and start from there. Right now I'm thinking for me:

  1. Read one full book a month.
  2. Save all the money I can.
  3. Try and work towards getting confidence to get a job.
  4. Excersice via skipping
Simple enough list I guess, I make no promises that I'll stick to it and I'm also not setting an end date because fuck that shit!

I hope you can do what you can in 2015 and have the best of luck!

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year: 2015

So it's now January 2nd, 2015. I hope everyone had a good and safe night on new years eve, and I hope everyone is doing alright from your parties.

Yesterday, I was on Tumblr which is normal, and I saw a post. I normally see posts like this also but I decided to do something. All the post was, all it said was "Day 1 of 365". So, nothing special. But I decieded to open Google and write about my day, but I wanted to write it a bit different. Not like it was a journal, but like a book. Even though I know it won't be read by anyone but me.. But I'm now thinking of possibly posting it. One post each day. But right know, we'll see how we go, mainly because I doubt I'll last longer then 2 weeks with this. It'll start to fade. So we shall see..

Hope you have a great 2015~!