Monday, 16 November 2015

The Poor Stay Poor

Gosh darn, life has been a pain recently. I've had to declare financial hardship with my school because I couldn't pay my fees, even though I could, and now I'm not allowed to attend class until my fees have been paid off. I'm not allowed my course results either. It won't be paid off until a few days before Christmas but that's after the year has finished so I won't be sure if I actually finished all my assignments to a passing grade until it's too late, which really is a pain in the ass. I know I have to finish this course in term 1 next year, but still, I don't want this happening again.

I also need a job, but with where I am, in a small mid-country town, there really isn't much work for me to try and get. It's either be qualified or work in a supermarket or possibly Target. The problem with that option is that I'd have to compete with more qualified people, and high school students, two groups of people employers would take over me; because A) They are qualified to work in retail, or B) They are teens so the company don't have to pay them as much as me. Wow, a who $1-$4 per hour difference. I could apply to any of the small business around but with that, they already have the staff they need and I doubt they'd be firing any employees soon. Not to mention, I like to think that about half the small business here close after a couple years because they aren't making enough income to pay rent AND make a profit. Meaning they have to quit whilst they are ahead.

This is all a pain in the ass. I can't move back to Adelaide because I don't have the money to. I also can't study in Adelaide because I don't have the money to. I can't stay here because there is nothing for me to study after this and there is next to no job opportunities for me. All I can really think of is seeing if I can do some work experience at maybe the library and a couple of small businesses around the place for a week or so each.