Sunday, 28 December 2014

A horrible ending to 2014

So not too long after my last post, maybe a week or something, not too long before Christmas, my boyfriend and I decided it would be best to end our 2 and a half year relationship. At that point, we were living together for a bit over a year. We both saw it coming and it was shit.
So, I'm now single and back living with my mum, who lives about 2 hours out of Adelaide. Which put a big spanner in the cogs. It just fucks up my next year or two for school.
Right now I'm thinking, do another cert II, externally, and work on getting a job in the new year. The cert II I'm thinking of doing, and most likely will do, is only a 6 month thing. So, I will need to find something else to do in semester 2 of 2015. I'm thinking, if I have a job at that point, to do a cert III in Women's Studies externally, which is only a part time course so, it'll help if I had a job. But if not that, I may have a bit more money to work with, job or no job, so I MAY be able to choose a course to do externally, and pay for that. And I mean any course that they offer externally/online.. because at that point, I may be able to pay for it. Happily.

But anyways, I should try and sleep again. I hope you had a happy holidays, unlike me, and you have an alright new years.
 Talk to you again at some point... :/

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Umm.. Hello?

Hello, Hello!

Sorry for not blogging but school, you know?! Happily, I've finished all my work, I handed the last of it in yesterday and my teacher is spending the next few days marking it (there were a few assignments I needed to finish in about a week and a half, too stressful). But once everything is marked and I've passed everything, I've got a certificate II in Women's Studies. Which will be my first certificate ever. I'm happy I have a certificate, finally.

A little while ago, I was thinking about what I'm going to do in the future, but a good few years ahead, not just the next thing I'm doing. But I'm thinking of possibly doing the certificate IV in Women's studies next year. I'm also planing on going into the school to learn it, so I can try and be more social and I'll also get out of the house. I'm hoping that since I have the cert. II, it'll make the cert IV shorter, hopefully knock off 3 to 6 months off of doing, or at least give me some more free time I guess. So that's my 2015, I'm hoping, then in 2016, I'm thinking of possibly doing a diploma or an advanced diploma in something, possibly marketing, advertising or even graphic design. I guess we'll see when it gets to it, however I am leaning towards the advertising right now.

As for a job, I'm thinking, once school starts and I get into a routine, I'll look for part time jobs, possibly get a little more work experience. But once again, We'll see!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Hey, Look, School! And NaNoWriMo is on the Horizon!

I'm sorry I haven't written anything, I've still been distracted and stressing about school. I'm behind, can you imagine? Because I can!! I still have 2 modules to finish from last term, and 2 of the 5 this term have arrived. The last few should be arriving today or tomorrow and I'm actually going to try and stick to the suggested study about a week.
This certificate, to me, feel silly to me. With modules like, "How to Operate a Personal Computer" and "Use, Communicate and Search Securely on the Internet" I feel like I just want to skip it all. There was a thing on groups and some 'basic' math, which was interesting. I got through all of the math stuff in about 2 days, about 2 or so hours each day. There is an introduction type module, about women in the workforce, I think it is, the beginning of it just felt.. WHY?! It came across as being that counselor that says, "You are a special and unique snowflake, You can do anything, because you are different and amazing and special!" And I just hate people/things like that.

I was bored yesterday and I
felt like making a cover,
since I noticed you could add
one on the NaNo site so...
Also on a different note, I'm going to attempt NaNoWriMo this year, I've don't a tiny amount of planning. To the point of, I know the basic concept of what I am doing. I'm going to do a Doctor who / Minecraft fan fiction. I feel it's easy enough, I have a pre-made world, pre-made, but flexible, character, and the world is amazing open so anything can happen. I'm only really aiming for 20k to 25k words this year, because it is my first year of actually writing. But I'll see how I juggle writing 500 to 1000 words day with school work. The novel link thingy to read about it: HERE!!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

REVIEW : Beyond Gravity | Game

Recently, I was fortunate enough to have same some spending money, which never happens. One of the first things I did was to look on Steam for any games that were on special that might interest me. Beyond Gravity was one of those games on special, selling for $0.99 USD and was a few hours away from going back to it's normal price of $1.99 USD, so I instantly bought it because it reminded me of a free game on that I did enjoy. So I didn't mind paying a little bit for it.

Beyond Gravity is a VERY simple, one button, take no time at all, causal game that belongs on mobile phone and tablets, and not really on a computer. I've currently played a bit over 2.5 hours so far and unlocked 34 of the 40 available achievements. I do plan on unlocking all of them, and I expect that it won't take much longer.
But as I said, this really is, what I like to think, as a very causal game.

It looks nice, the art style is cute and fun, the music sounds fitting and is relaxing. The game is simple, and entertaining for a good 5 to 10 minutes. I would recommend this game, but only in small bursts, mainly because it is repetitive. You're click to jump from planet to planet, collecting cogs and screws, which you can trade in for things, including a triple jump, a faster jump, and being able to pull in cogs and screws in from further away.
My review on the Steam site about the game.

Beyond Gravity is available to buy in the links below:

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Sorry For No Posts, Future Posts Will Be Scarce

I know I'm meant to be posting Wednesdays and maybe on Sundays, but I just haven't been able to blog because I've been distracted, but for a good-ish reason, a reasonable reason.
This reason of why I can't write for you is: SCHOOL! On late Saturday night, 30th August 2014, I was looking through my work to see what module/topic/subject I should do next. I was looking at one of the sheets and I noticed that I had to finish a subject on the 3rd. Now that I think of it, I'm not sure if it was the 3rd of September, which I think it was and why I was busy, or the 3rd of October, which is next month. But I hadn't started this subject yet and I needed to finish it in about 3 or so day, so I did.

That's basically why I didn't  blog on those two days, I was trying to shove down school work so I could hand it in. But I have about 3 and a half weeks to finish 3 more subjects, then it'll be a term break so, this is just a warning to let you know I may not be able to blog for a little. I will still try to though!

I'm doing my Cert. II externally (at home) meaning I don't have to go in to a TAFE SA campus to attend classes, I get all of my work sent to my house. I have, I think, about 3 and a half weeks to finish 3 more modules.

Saturday, 30 August 2014

No Blog on Sunday

I'm sorry so say, there isn't a blog today. Apart from this one telling you there isn't one. Make total sense. But I started writing a post up a day or so ago and it's taking a bit longer then I thought, so it'll be posted on Wednesday. It'll be about my favourite movies and why I like them. I may split it into two parts, I'm not sure. We'll see how long it is come Wednesday!

Sorry for no post, keep drinking that coffee~

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

I'm only a day late, it's still good, it's still good!

Sorry that I'm a day late with a blog, I was in the zone with school work. I'm currently doing a Cert. II in Women's Studies, externally, and I finished 2 of the modules yesterday, happily. I finished the modules of "Work effectively in Groups" and "Identify Gendered perspectives in Information Technology". I think I cleared out the groups take in a day and a bit, I finished Identify Gender Perspectives in 2 days I think, even though it's the shorter lesson. Any ways, you don't want to hear about my school work!

I have a problem right not, I don't particularly have anything to talk about. I want to do something like I did last Wednesday and on Sunday, something about a website that I use, or something that might be happening. However, there isn't a site I can rave about, or mention too much. I could talk about Tumblr, or Youtube, since I use them a lot; however, I think it'd be more of an overview of the site rather what I thought of them, even though my opinion would be in there. Maybe next week I'll do something on one of those two sites, maybe both! However this week, I'm not feeling it, partly because the internet currently isn't working.
(Until now, since now this blog is up)

I'm thinking of doing an about me post this Saturday / Sunday if you're interested. However I don't think I'll be able to write too much, I'm trying to do blog posts that are lengthy, or even mildly wordy, so I guess that means right now I'm just talking out my ass about anything that comes to mind. I'm currently listening to the Wreck-It-Ralph soundtrack, I may do a blog on movies that I like, I hope you'd enjoy that. I'd have a few Pixar movies in there, a few horror movies, maybe a couple dramas and comedies. I'm not the biggest fan of the last two, but I do love my action and animated movies. Also a fan of horror, some I guess something will come of that. I feel at that point, I'll possibly also do a blog about TV shows I watch, or have watched. I feel that may be interesting. What do you think? Do you want to hear about movies and TV shows I watch?

What am I saying, no one exactly reads my blog, I apparently get views but that doesn't mean anyone is reading. How do I know you're not a robot being nice and adding to my view count? Are you even paying attention? Possibly not. I guess I may see you this weekend for another slow blog.

See you soon, and keep drinking that coffee,
Nicole :D

Saturday, 23 August 2014

My Experience with :

If you arn't aware, there is a site call It's like eBay and craigslist, but unlike eBay you get 100% of the money you post the item for, no fees. Unlike craigslist, you can trust this site.

Gumtree is an organised site where you can buy and sell things, it's based in Australia where you sell items,  and the majority of the time, you'll get cash in your hand from local pick-ups. I've had some good experience selling things on Gumtree, however, not everything sells. Also, when someone does contact you about an item that they want, they will work out a time with you to pick up the item, and you'll give them your address, but they don't show up. Nor will they email you saying something about how they can't show up, or anything. I've had people interested in items and contact me, I'd respond but I get nothing back.
I have had successful sales that go down quickly, and that's nice, but there are just times where people just annoy me with wanting an item but not showing up.

Experience 1: I had one guy, I was selling Finding Nemo on DVD, the collector's edition, and he was interested. I we worked out a time and I gave him my address, and telling my how to find my house. As I needed to at the time. However, he didn't show up that day. Or the next. Or the next. He didn't email me saying that he still wanted it, or that he was sorry that he didn't show, I didn't hear a word from him. Until about a week later when he knocked at the door, asking for me and wanting the DVD. I did give it to him and he game me money, however he was a week late. For all he knew, I could have sold it to someone else. But no, I didn't.

Experience 2: Maybe about a month or two ago, I was selling some pokemon cards. About 180 assorted pokemon cards for $50. Someone was interested, which is nice. He asked if he could have them and if I'd mail them to him, since he lives in NSW and I'm in SA. I normally say that I'm not a fan of mailing things, which I did tell him, but I also mentioned that I would mail them. A few email exchanges went down, then he decided he didn't want them, so ok. Then he decided a day later that he DID want them. I gave him my account details and I waited for the money to come in. 3 days pass and no money, a couple more days pass and I email him, telling him that the money hasn't come in yet. He tells me that he has sent it and that he has a receipt of him sending the money, and he was wondering when the cards will be there. I told him that once again, I needed some of that money to mail the item, and I can't send it until I get the money. I didn't hear from him again after that.

Experience 3: Maybe a week or more ago, I was selling some more pokemon cards, less this time, about 100 cards for around $20. Someone asked if they were still available and that they wanted it. As well as asking if I'd mail them. Hesitantly, I said yes. I gave them my account number, they gave me their address and I waited three or 4 days and no money, so I emailed them about it. They say something happened and it seems the money was sent back. They sent it again and it seemed to come through that night, which was great. The next day, I went to the post office and got what I needed, and I sent them off. So, good experience.

Feel free to share your experience below if you've used Gumtree!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

To go, or not to go? That is NOT the question!!

I had to make a new blog on this bloody site because everything I would log out of Blogger to log in to my account that I actually use, Google was all like, yep, nope! And then I was ll like, HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I NEED TO LOG OUT AND LOG IN TO MY ACCOUNT TO MAKE IT WORK?!? And I still not able to get to it so.. >:/ Fucking Google, I swear, I do like you Google but for fuck sake!


So, I MAY be going to NSW, Australia in the next two months for a few day period with my boyfriend for a wedding. The good news is, if we do go, I'll look nice. That $100 dress I bought for $20 will FINALLY come in handy. The bad news is that we're poor and we may not be able to make it. Out finances are fairly tight as it is right now, and what ever were get that isn't important, comes out of our food money, which normally ends up being about $40 to $100 a fortnight. (To feed 2 people. It's ALOT of pasta bolognese) I did a quick Google search, using for flights, and for hotels, I worked out it'll cost us anywhere between $400 to $600 for maybe 4 days in Melbourne, with no spending money, and I didn't even add for dinners either. So it'll may more of a $600 trip, that we don't have money for, that I do want money for, but I doubt we will have money for. I don't think we'll be able to raise $600 in a 2 month period. I am selling a few things, but even if they were to sell, it would be less then $100, so that doesn't make much of a dent in that.
I went on Google, as you do, to see how to raise $500 in a 2 month period. The one artical that I actually read, about half of to be honest was one called: 3 Ways to Earn and Extra $500 on the Side, by Courtney Johnston. It was interesting. One of the things that is suggested to think of 50 things that you're good at, things you know how to do. So I opened up notepad and numbered it 1 to 5. This is what I got:
1: Math
2: Cleaning
3: Basic computer skills
That's a long list.. I can't use that. I can't teach people anything, or clean houses for busy housewives looking after babies. Not worth it.

A bit after, I read a bit of an artical or two about ghostwritting and I'm not doing that so.. I'm fucked, we're fucked, everyone is fucked.