Wednesday, 20 August 2014

To go, or not to go? That is NOT the question!!

I had to make a new blog on this bloody site because everything I would log out of Blogger to log in to my account that I actually use, Google was all like, yep, nope! And then I was ll like, HOW MANY FUCKING TIMES DO I NEED TO LOG OUT AND LOG IN TO MY ACCOUNT TO MAKE IT WORK?!? And I still not able to get to it so.. >:/ Fucking Google, I swear, I do like you Google but for fuck sake!


So, I MAY be going to NSW, Australia in the next two months for a few day period with my boyfriend for a wedding. The good news is, if we do go, I'll look nice. That $100 dress I bought for $20 will FINALLY come in handy. The bad news is that we're poor and we may not be able to make it. Out finances are fairly tight as it is right now, and what ever were get that isn't important, comes out of our food money, which normally ends up being about $40 to $100 a fortnight. (To feed 2 people. It's ALOT of pasta bolognese) I did a quick Google search, using for flights, and for hotels, I worked out it'll cost us anywhere between $400 to $600 for maybe 4 days in Melbourne, with no spending money, and I didn't even add for dinners either. So it'll may more of a $600 trip, that we don't have money for, that I do want money for, but I doubt we will have money for. I don't think we'll be able to raise $600 in a 2 month period. I am selling a few things, but even if they were to sell, it would be less then $100, so that doesn't make much of a dent in that.
I went on Google, as you do, to see how to raise $500 in a 2 month period. The one artical that I actually read, about half of to be honest was one called: 3 Ways to Earn and Extra $500 on the Side, by Courtney Johnston. It was interesting. One of the things that is suggested to think of 50 things that you're good at, things you know how to do. So I opened up notepad and numbered it 1 to 5. This is what I got:
1: Math
2: Cleaning
3: Basic computer skills
That's a long list.. I can't use that. I can't teach people anything, or clean houses for busy housewives looking after babies. Not worth it.

A bit after, I read a bit of an artical or two about ghostwritting and I'm not doing that so.. I'm fucked, we're fucked, everyone is fucked.

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